Rotten Metropolis | Comic Book


The comic, Rotten Metropolis, follows the story of Gunk the Punk, the lone survivor of a science experiment where a group of researchers, scientists, and academics attempted to create a pill that cured death. The pill worked for him and now, Gunk wanders a far off future dystopia with a computer device installed onto the side of his head that stores his memories from one hundred plus years of living.

20 pages (16 with a four page center insert).
Printed on grey card stock with full color printing on the inserts.
Staple Bound.
Second Printing in an Edition of 100
Originally Published Spring 2024

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The comic, Rotten Metropolis, follows the story of Gunk the Punk, the lone survivor of a science experiment where a group of researchers, scientists, and academics attempted to create a pill that cured death. The pill worked for him and now, Gunk wanders a far off future dystopia with a computer device installed onto the side of his head that stores his memories from one hundred plus years of living.

20 pages (16 with a four page center insert).
Printed on grey card stock with full color printing on the inserts.
Staple Bound.
Second Printing in an Edition of 100
Originally Published Spring 2024

The comic, Rotten Metropolis, follows the story of Gunk the Punk, the lone survivor of a science experiment where a group of researchers, scientists, and academics attempted to create a pill that cured death. The pill worked for him and now, Gunk wanders a far off future dystopia with a computer device installed onto the side of his head that stores his memories from one hundred plus years of living.

20 pages (16 with a four page center insert).
Printed on grey card stock with full color printing on the inserts.
Staple Bound.
Second Printing in an Edition of 100
Originally Published Spring 2024